4 steps to rebuilding your business after a crisis

With the current disruption to life and business, we’re being asked by lots of organisations how they should plan to recover their business and build increased levels of resilience.

Gradatim specialises in business strategy based on disruptive innovation. We help organisations disrupt themselves before someone, or something, else does. In turn, we help organisations improve focus, profitability and their robustness.

Once the immediate situation passes, there will be an enormous opportunity to rebuild and imbed more sustainable business practices based on business needs, not historical precedent or the former status quo.

So, how should an organisation achieve a more robust and prosperous future?

  1. Determine what the purpose of the organisation is. It’s surprising how many organisations don’t have a clearly defined purpose.

  2. Decide what your organisation’s core competitive advantages are and focus on them, and only them. Your business isn’t to be everything to everyone. If you think it is, we need to talk.

  3. Focus on efficiency. This means stripping away everything that’s not directly related to producing and delivering value to your customers or building the future of the business. Everything else is a distraction and a waste of resources.

  4. If your organisation doesn’t have one, start building a strategic reserve. Your goal is to have access to have a minimum of 12 months of capital to support core operational expenses. This doesn’t have to be strictly cash in the bank, although liquidity is critical and several months of the reserve need to be quickly accessible.

Making changes to an organisation is always challenging; however, the best time to make significant changes is often during times of crisis.

Don’t waste the opportunity to make the changes that will maximise success for years to come and set your organisation apart

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3 steps you need to follow after pivoting your business


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